Access and usage

By accessing this website and associated content provided by The Good Sleep (TGS) you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions detailed in this policy. 

TGS reserves the right to amend our terms and conditions and privacy policy at any time to ensure that optimum service and adherence to appropriate data protection standards can be delivered.  

TGS does not guarantee that our website and content will be accessible 100% of the time. Content provided by TGS is the property of TGS.  Sharing content should acknowledge TGS as the owner of this content.


The Good Sleep Coach does not offer any advice, services or treatment relating to medical, nutritional, lactational or psychological care and consultations are not to be a substitute for medical treatment, breastfeeding support, counseling or any other form of medical care. If you have medical concerns, please consult your GP or other qualified professional in relation to your well-being of the well-being of your child. The information written on this website and your baby's sleep plan is not intended nor is implied to be a substitute for medical advice and should be treated as informative and educational purposes only.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you disclose any necessary information related to an underlying medical condition in the questionnaire prior to the consultation process and seek medical advice if advised to do so prior to the consultation. You may be requested to seek written medical confirmation ahead of the consultation. Failure to follow adequate advice from a medical professional is solely at your own risk. 

Parents are responsible for ensuring safe sleep guidelines are followed.  Resources on safe sleep will be provided and referred to and my recommendations will always be in line with these resources.

TGS will not be liable for the outcome of any sleep intervention where medical guidance is not followed, where content shared is not appropriate for your child due to medical condition, personality or temperament or where guidance is interpreted incorrectly or unsuitable for a child of their age or development. Any changes made outside the TGS plan are your personal decision and you are responsible for the outcomes of those decisions. 

Information obtained outside our consultation process is not personalized for your child. All recommendations being implemented should be appropriate for your child’s age and developmental stage. If you or your child are suffering from any medical or mental health condition, advice from a medical professional is advised prior to the implementation of any sleep guidance.

Should you link to a third-party website from TGS content, TGS will not be responsible for information provided by that website, and their terms and conditions must be accepted and followed. 

Content promoted on social media or on my website is aligned with my personal view.  The evidence referenced is based on my interpretation and understanding of that research based on the information available to me. TGS is not accountable for any research or opinions stated by third parties.

TGS does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding consulting services provided. TGS liability (if any) is limited to the consulting fee paid by you, and in no event will TGS be liable to you for any other claim, losses or damages.

The customized sleep plan provided to you by TGS is meant for your child, and it is not meant to be shared with a third party as a sleep plan for another child. You agree to not share this information with any third party. Any party found to be sharing sleep plans may be liable for the cost of the program.

Terms of engagement before and during the consultation

To enable me to offer my support you may be required to complete a questionnaire and a sleep diary as required by the purchased package. You are required to accurately complete these and provide them back to me at least 2 days before the consultation or your appointment may be rescheduled. The level of detail provided can impact the level of support I can provide. 

Any information provided to you is intended for your child only and should not be shared with others. All content, recommendations and sleep plans provided remain the property of TGS and should not be used or shared without prior written consent.

I will aim to make recommendations in line with your parenting style following principles of attachment and responsive parenting.  I will not prescribe ‘cry it out’ methods and while a change in approach may result in crying, I would not advise your child to be left alone if they are crying or distressed.  Parents seeking such an approach should seek support from another consultant.

Communication in your package will be limited to the channels agreed and purchased in the package unless an ‘add-on’ is purchased.  Once the added channels are paid for these services can commence during the hours specified.

I will respond to you during these regular working hours, Monday to Friday 10am-3pm and Saturday 11am-2pm. For emails sent after 3 pm I aim to respond the same working day and no later than the following business day.

All information provided to me will be treated as strictly confidential and will be handled in line with the TGS Privacy Policy.

Any changes you make to your baby’s sleeping arrangements are at your discretion. The Good Sleep coach only makes suggestions for change, of which you are responsible for choosing to implement.

Consulting with The Good Sleep coach is for educational, informative and supportive purposes only. Due to the nature of holistic sleep support, there can be no guarantees or exact timelines given by me as much of this will be determined by your baby's temperament, unique sensory preferences, the kind of changes being made and any possible underlying conditions.

The Good Sleep coach does not use any cry-it-out or controlled crying methods and will always endeavor to provide services that are evidence-based, developmentally and age-appropriate to your baby, respectful and compassionate in nature, in line with your parenting style, and protective of the parent-child attachment. While I will do my best to provide you with an evidence-based solution that will work, I can make no guarantees on the outcome or timeframe of any sleep intervention with your child due to factors outside my control. Such factors could include a child’s developmental stage, interpretation of the implementation plan by the parents, or failure to implement the sleep plan at the time the plan was recommended.

Refunds, rescheduling and cancellations

Packages cannot be paused if they are already started and the sleep evaluation has already been done. Should you need to pause the package, a new sleep evaluation might be needed, which will be offered at an additional cost. Extensions are not offered as part of that package, however, they can be purchased as add-ons for known sleep issues.

Should illness or other unforeseen circumstances arise and we are unable to go ahead with this booking, you will have 3 months to reschedule your appointment. Pauses can be made for illness during the consultation, however, the consultation must resume immediately after the sickness has passed, and no more than 1 week from the date of the pause unless otherwise agreed.

Payment in full is required at the time of online booking. Cancellations made up to 48 hours before our first call will be refunded minus a 50 CAD administrative fee. For cancellations made up to 24 hours prior to our appointment, I will provide a 50% refund. Cancellations less than 24 hours prior are non-refundable.  No refunds will be given if the client fails to join the call at the scheduled time. After the initial consultation, there will be no refund for any follow-up services. All appointments (including free calls) must be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to our call.

Should I need to cancel the appointment, I will provide a full refund or find a mutually suitable time to reschedule the consultation.

Failure to join a consultation (free or paid) within 15 minutes of the scheduled time will be considered a failure to show up.  If you join the call late, the consultation will not be extended beyond the confirmed finish time.

Email support should be initiated by the client and responses will be provided during agreed business hours depending on the package purchased.  

Refunds will be made only via the original method of payment. 

Equality and non-discriminatory practice:

The Good Sleep coaching is an inclusive service, and will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, parenting style, family dynamic, disability, cultural beliefs or religion. If there is anything you would like me to be aware of in regards to this, please feel free to contact me prior to our consultation or make me aware at the beginning of our phone call.